Allegations Of 
Abuse Prevention & Survival

by Jodee Kulp and Judy Howell


        Presently 30% of Foster Homes leave fostering each year. Allegations and risk of allegations are one of the prime motivators to leave. Allegation prevention training, support development and survival skills are necessary for each family working with high risk children in group home, foster home or adoptive home setting.

        Meanwhile the need for foster care and special needs adoption continues to rise, over 500,000 USA children today are in need of foster homes.

         Allegations: Survival and Prevention is developed as a mixture of experiential and education, utilizing all your senses. It is a fast-paced, humorous and enlightening, geared to empower families to face forthright the very real risk of allegations and provide time to begin developing relationships and regional support services for these high risk families.

   Jodee Kulp and Judy Howell have presented allegation prevention and training workshops and institutes for the last 6 years. This programs builds on the experiences of those workshops and their combined life experiences of living and loving over 250 high risk children.  Please review the Table of Contents from Families at Risk.

Overview Of Program:

Needs of Participants:

  1. Accurate knowledge

  2. Reality

  3. Security

  1. Reality of risk

  2. Awareness of risk

  3. Support Services



  1. Start support or liaison groups.

  2. Increase knowledge of participants.

  3. Prevention of allegations.

  4. Preparedness for allegations.

  1. Know how to get support within the community.

  2. Know how to maintain personal and family emotional health through and after an allegation.

  3. Bonding relationships between social services and foster care providers to develop team attitude

Brief Program Outline of Available Points for Training  

Days expectations

Adequate information for prepare for an allegation
Adequate knowledge of documentation to establish protection
Adequate ideas for development of personal support system

Focus on the 4 P's

Protect   -  Prevent   -  Prepare   -  Practice

Focus on 2 E's

Education   -  Experience

Simulations and surprises

Share Rules of Day and Introductions

Group Dynamics

Fitting Together/Blending/Networking
Acknowledging who we are   - Profile audience

  1. Social Workers/Agency Personnel

  2.  Foster parents/Day Care

  3.  Adoptive Parents/Kinship Parents

  4.  Therapists/Human Service Professionals

  5. Attorneys

Why are we at risk for allegations?

Build case on why our clients/children tighten our risk
Differences in perception   -  Moving Audience

Allegation risk factors

Stressors   -   Physical    -   Mental   -   Verbal   - External


Partnering for Protection - Experiential allegation 
Bring audience through the file of an actual allegation. Data privacy has been given to group to use.
Confidence – How it affects us – Story of family stress increase prior to allegation   - Audience are participants in case


Many life experience and allegation stories


When life hands you something you don't understand Judgment - Interjects – where they come from…Gaining knowledge

Listening   - Understanding   -  History
Assessment of Present Reality   -  Directing   -  Letting Go


Asking Questions


Response vs reaction  -   Crisis Intervention
Development of a Network   -  Preparation from experience. Why do you do it?   -  Role of main state agency/agency. Working with Department of ----   - Knowing the law


Facts vs emotions   -  National Enquire Story


Post Investigation Trauma Syndrome   - Merry go round of allegations. Resurfacing Issues – Cancer story discussion of surgical treatment
Bitterness versus acceptance   -  Triggers – even into the future


Dealing with skewed behavior


Resources for survival
Peer-to-peer support teams
Professional support team members


Allow everyone to go back to their original family/friends -- HEAP KNOWLEDGE -- PROVIDE HORSVAM


Post Investigation Trauma Syndrome (PITS) that follows
1.        DANGER and RISK Chart of different professions
2.        FEELINGS chart

  •  Statewide Liaison Program

  •  Creative Ideas

  •  Send out invitations

  •  Establish

  •  Group Telephone process

  •  Call and fax the following people:


We pass the baton to you...

We can not walk alone.

And as we walk, we must make the pledge 
that we shall always
march ahead.

We cannot turn back.

Martin Luther King Jr. 8/28/63

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False Allegations of Child Abuse or Neglect  | Digital Design | Foster/Adoptive Care | Contact Us

kids.gif (5558 bytes)Better Endings New Beginnings Buttons to access Justice, Allegations, Families at Risk book or Minnesota Enterprises for Children which deals with foster care, adoption, FAS, FAE, legislation, and just for laughs. Enjoy.Making connections to promote restoration and renewal for families and children in crisis and trauma to bridge understanding of FASD. This site does not replace professional medical, legal, nutritional or educational counsel.  The information contained within this website are ideas that have worked for families with FASD members and you must use common sense, your intimate knowledge of your child, professional advise and safety in making appropriate decisions.  
We cannot be held responsible for any use or  misuse contained within this website. 
2006 Copyright  - All Rights Reserved   Last revised: July 13, 2006.  Jodee Kulp Digital Design